Friday, 4 August 2017

Now we are in Champagne region, we are not popping any corks just yet....


630 / 1500.

That's where we are, folks!

Chadenac is a beautiful grape growing valley region to the north of Bordeaux. We've been kindly hosted by family friends Paul and Carolyn. Paul, an old School friend of Toby's, even chased around the country lanes to help Toby and Andy find the place and guide them home. Every help was appreciated, particularly after another 107 miles in the bank.

Less hilly than previous days, the boys were delighted with a mostly rolling landscapes that today's ride brought. They even forgave the support crew's lapsed concentration - firstly unable to get a phone connection to map their route to the original meet point, they eventually suggested somewhere else 10 miles down the road, then let the boys beat them to the rendezvous point!! Sloppy, people! UP YOUR GAME!!

Summary of today's pedalling:

7hrs 29 minutes to cover the 106.9 miles. 4,530ft of climbing.

And finally, a note from Karen. Being on the road is making it difficult to write thank yous to all the very kind people who are donating to the great causes. She is trying her best to keep on top of acknowledging everybody's generosity, but if she takes a little while to respond, please know that we are all very grateful for every penny given. (and if you are still waiting to donate, you'll find the links at the top of this blog post.

(AP, 04/08 @ 10pm)

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